Recovery files and how to prevent your data stolen by ransomware

Not all people have encountered the ransomware in using the computer, but everyone have heard of this malicious malware. It is a kind of malicious software that hijack your computer when you are unware of it, and it encrypt your data or your computer so that you have to pay for encrypting your data or computer. The blackmailer usually will ask for a large ransom and give you a short time to pay the unreasonable price. If you are eager to encrypt your files and computer, you may choose to yield to the threat of blackmail. The most well know ransomware is CryptpLocker.  If you do not want to be affected by ransomware, you should follow these several steps.
Backup your data
For whatever reasons, you should back up your data regularly. You can back up your important data on other storage devices, online backup or use the Windows backup. If you the ransomware disable you recover from windows backups, you can find your data on other devices. No matter for preventing virus or ransomware or avoid accident data loss, you have to back up your data in time.
Update your windows
You should always remember to update your system, the latest versions of operating system can fix the latest security patches and bugs.
Use a secure browser
You should run the secure browser to browse the web. If you want to get a better Internet security tools, you’d get a paid Internet security tool with internet security suite. It will help you to greatly reduce your chance to get virus and malware.
How does the ransomware spread?
How does the ransomware spread? The ransomware usually spread by emails, software, website, downloads on web pages, SMS messages, different infected devices. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the suspicious links, attachments in the email, and do not browser unsafe website and download unknown programs.
How to recover files after ransomware infected?
If you still can access to your system, you can restore from the system restore or previous version. If you have made backups, it’s very easy for you to restore from the backups. If your backup is not available, and you also cannot recover from previous version, you can try to use the data recovery software. Anyway, if you do not want to pay for the ransom, you can try to use the data recovery program to restore the lost files. As long as the files have not been overwritten, you can recover them easily.
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